Tuesday, May 13, 2008

OK, You Can Comment Now

I wasn't going to allow comments, and I might turn them off again, but here you go.

I'm moderating, so watch your mouth!


Anonymous said...

We are with Regions Bank.

Did you check your account on the 7th or 8th, and was the charge pending?

I'm wondering how they can get an approval without it showing up in your "pending" line.

Anonymous said...

Regions Bank should issue "virtual debit card numbers" like the big credit card companies do. This allows you to use the virtual account number just once, say for an online purchase or phone reservation. These type transactions are more vulnerable to fraud or identity theft. It someone at a hotel or online sales company tries to use the same number again or sell it to someone it's worthless after you use it that first time. It will expire immediately. Using virtual account numbers creates a situation for you such that your WHOLE account is not compromised.

Maybe Regions Bank does this, I don't know. If they do offer this service, they certainly don't make it obvious in their marketing materials. The Big Boys like Citibank and Chase have it plastered all over their websites every time you log in. Can't say I have noticed such on the Regions site.

I would march into my local branch and talk to the branch mangager in person and get them to correct it on the spot. They have the authority to do it!! Most banks just don't want you to know this.

Good luck.

Shelly Cargill said...

I wonder that, too. I have no idea how they got past me - I look at my account every day.